wedding photography



You've spent a year planning this event and you want everything to go flawlessly. You want each moment to unfold just as you imagined it and you want it preserved this way forever.

I've learned something in my almost-two-decades working in weddings; your fairytale will have a prince or princess, but it will also have an orc or two. Perhaps even a dragon.

Sometimes this means rain, other times it means you're unable to keep to the timeline. One time, I was on a wedding and the bride's mom called on the morning of the wedding and was upset about where she was in the order of the procession and refused to show up for the ceremony. True story. These are what I call the dragons in our fairytales.

But it so happens that every good story and every good fairytale needs a dragon to slay or a super villain to overthrow. You just need a storyteller that can recognize the villain; help you overcome the villain; and tell the story of how it was overcome while maintaining the heart and soul of your day's events as well as telling it in a emotional and beautifully way.

In other words, every fairytale needs a storyteller.

My number one goal is to tell your story.

In spite of the talent that we've honed and the skills that we've practiced, there is no substitute for experience. And as a long-time wedding videographer turned photographer, I have 20+ years of experience in something other wedding photographers do not; 20+ years of working with other photographers!

Working side by side with literally hundreds of different photographers, I have been able to see what they do that works and what they do that dreadfully, definitely does not. I've kept all of that knowledge inside me and am now unleashing it for you.

There's a difference between taking a picture and telling a story with a photograph. 

Know us and know the difference.

...every fairytale needs a storyteller.

Images that tell a story Sometimes you can feel an emotion without hearing a sound, reading a word, or even seeing a face.